THE RECOGNITION OF GENIUS: A SONNET. WRITTEN IN A POPULAR EDITION OF WORDSWORTH'S POEMS. TIME was, great Seer, when in thy mountain place Thou dwelt'st apart, and river, lake,......
"fallen Among Thieves."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In your very humorous and not unkindly notice of my novel " Fallen Amongst Thieves," you imply that I am wrong in supposing that cider is......
The Infallibility Of The Scriptures.
[TO THE EDFfOR OF THE SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—In Mr. W. G. Clark's interesting and able pamphlet, "On the Present Danger of the English Church," I find these words :— " The formularies......
THE EARTHLY PARADISE *— PART M. WHITHER shall a reader turn in these days who longs to escape for a while from all the toil and clamour and strife of the world; and to roam at......