12 MARCH 1943, page 18

Man's Remaking

The Doctrine of Our Redemption. By N. Micklem, D.D. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 4s. 641.) DR. MIcKLEm has made a wise choice in the selection of Redemption as the subject of his......


Havoc by Accident. By Georges Simenon. (Routledge. 8s.) Lord Edward. By Magdalen King-Hall. (Peter Davies. 9s. 6d.) Cover His Face. By Neil Bell. (Collins. 95. 6d.) IN Havoc by......

Britain In Pictures

THE receipt of four new volumes in the admirable "Britain in Pictures" series—British Craftsmen, by Thomas Hennell • British Engineers, by Metius Chappell ; English Cities, by......