Equal P.ay For Equal Work
Mr. Churchill announced on Tuesday that the Government pro- posed to set up a Royal Commission to consider the question of equal pay for men and women for equal work. This is a......
The Bill Against Germany
The Government has taken a wise step in appointing a Com- mittee, under Lord Macmillan's chairmanship, to advise on measures for securing the restitution of works of art,......
A General Election In Eire
In consequence of a defeat of the Government of Eire in the Dail by one vote-64 to 63—on the second reading of the Transport Bill, Mr. de Valera has decided to appeal to the......
Mr. Gandhi's Release The Release Of Mr. Gandhi From His
confinement at Poona is a wise step. It might have been less wise if it had been taken sooner —for the Government of India had no reason to change its policy except on grounds......
The Government Of Secondary Schools
Mr. Butler has not neglected to consult the various interests con- cerned in' education on a matter which has caused a good deal of misgiving—the degree of freedom which will be......
Mr. Hudson And Milk Milk Seems In Some Danger Of
being spilt between rival authorities. Mr. Hudson is to bring in a Bill giving the Ministry of Agriculture responsibility for supervising the conditions of milk production......