T hose who like the 'ifs' of history may care to speculate on what would have happened if Jan Smuts had not been defeated in the South African election of 1948. South Africa......
°1 Ymptc Opportunity °1 Ymptc Opportunity
` the Soviet Union adheres to its decision in° withdraw from the Olympic Games in Angeles it will prove that its desire for reven g e is even stron g er than its lon g ing for......
W e do not often have cause to praise the government of General Jaruzelski. But we can hardly blame it for sending a coal sales team to London, to step into the breach created......
Torilla's Precedent
A s pioneerin g , white-walled and flat- roofed 'Modern Movement' houses were the first post-1914 buildin g s which the Department of the Environment a g reed to list as bein g......
Ubscri E
6 months: One year: UK £17.25 L34.50 Eire £17.25 £34.50 Surface mail f20.50 £41.00 Air mail £26.50 £53.00 For special offer turn to p.33......
This Is The Second Year Runnin G In Which The Spectator
has won an editorial award from the Periodical Publishers Association. Last year, Alexander Chancellor was runner-up as Editor of the Year. On Tuesday ni g ht, in a glitterin g......