12 MAY 1990, page 26


Conspiracy theory Sir: Hong Kong will be grateful if Parlia- ment approves the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill. But it will take more than 250,000 passports to save Hong......

Chinese Middle Class

Sir: It was helpful of Murray Sayle (`Fifty Thousand Men in A Boat', 28 April) to remind us that the British Government had intended to introduce democracy into Hong Kong before......

Met Men

Sir: Andrew Kenny in his plea for con- sistency in the treatment of radiation dan- gers (`Up and Atom', 21 April) demons- trates how easy it is for a polemic to sink into......

A Scot Writes

Sir: Your correspondent Mr Allan Massie (28 April) suggested that Guinness used the code name 'Ascot' when preparing their bid for Distillers, 'because so many of the Distillers......