Proud Without Prejudice
From James Landale Sir: I am extremely glad to know that The Spectator watches BBC News 24 (5 November) . However, I fear that your leader writer must have momentarily allowed......
Why Migrants Are Welcome
From Buks van Rensburg Sir: The article by Richard Ehrman (‘A dying breed’, 5 November) is unnecessarily alarmist. It is the case, as Mr Ehrman claims, that the citizens of......
Fair Point
From Barbara Crowther Sir: Phillip Oppenheim’s article (‘Fairtrade fat cats’, 5 November) misses several key points about Fairtrade. Fairtrade is not about charity. It is about......
Making Hatred History
From Sher Khan Sir: Alasdair Palmer, in his article ‘Muslims are an ethnic group’ (5 November), asserts that the supporters of the government’s Bill to prohibit incitement to......
Reader, I Married Her
From John Laughland Sir: My article on luxury fencing bags by Bibikov (Luxury goods, 5 November) omitted an important detail and has consequently caused a stir among the......