The Tolstoy Family
The Countess Tolstoy's Later Diary. (Gollanez. 12s. 6d.) THERE is something distressing, almost shocking, in diaries such as this second one of the Countess Tolstoy, to those......
Greek Love Poems
Sappho Revocata : Being an Emended Text with an English Translation, a Life and a Glossary of Aeolic Words. By J. M. Edmonds. (Peter Davies. 63s.) Some Greek Love-Poems.......
Four Frustrations and a Moral 7s. 6d.) HAVING granted our own claim in this generation to the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we seem......
Animals In Captivity
Animals Looking at You. By Paul Eipper. (Putnam. 10s. 6d. ) WE should beware, writes Mr. Eipper, of sentimentalizing over animals in captivity, " of burdening their souls with......