Working Prisoners
SIR,—I understand the Trades Unions of this country have brought pressure to bear on the Government to prevent German prisoners under- taking any constructive building work in......
Bevin Boys' Release
SIR,—I understand that Mr. Ness Edwards, in a written reply, has stated that Bevin Boys are to be released from the pits, under Class A, accord- ing to age and length of service......
The Belsen Trials
SIR, —Thousands of people must be grateful to " Janus " for his para- graph on the Belsen trials. It is maddening to see these accounts day by day when the guilt and horror has......
Drink And The State
Snt,—The article in your issue dated September 28th by a Licensing Magistrate seems to me to conclude on an illogical note. In the early part of the article the writer......
Peace Through Fear . . . ?
SIR,—Mr. Rowland evidently does not believe that it can be "Peace Through God," but does believe in " Peace Through Reason," claiming that it is through " the embryo sciences of......
Feeding Europe
Stit,—The suggestion that we shall voluntarily tighten our belts in order that more food may be sent to " starving Europe " is one which reflects great credit on the people of......
Sia,—lord Amulree States In His Letter That "...
alcoholic drink) is almost inevitable if there is anxiety that the press of people will interfere with the natural wish of the average consumer." This is an extraordiary point......