The Czar's Government Grows Fanatical In Its Policy Of "
Russifying Russia." In addition to its deadly quarrel with its Jewish subjects, it is withdrawing privileges from the Finlanders, and sharpening the edicts against refractory......
The Chief Practical Work Of The Congress, If Practical It
can be called, consisted in discussing the Eight-Hours question. On . Tuesday, a resolution was carried in favour of an international eight-hours day by 302 to 136, but not......
The Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting Of The Trade-union...
at Newcastle on Monday. Six hundred delegates were present, and these claim to represent 2,000,000 working men and women in the United Kingdom. Mr. Burt was unanimously named......
Mr. Burt's Opening Address Was Singularly Able And High-...
It is obvious that he is personally opposed to State interference, and has little belief in virtue by Act of Parlia: ment. He prefers, he told the delegates, " self-help and......
M. Tricoupis, Lately . Premier Of Greece, On Tuesday Made A
declaration of his views to the Paris correspondent of the Times, obviously for publication. M. Tricoupis admits that he hopes to regain power, and acknowledges that if he......
During The Week, Further Evidence Of The Rapacity Of The
minor Canadian officials has been produced before the Com- mittee of .Public Accounts. It is evident, indeed, that they believed the " boodle "—Angliee "swag "—which they......
The Census Bureau. Of The . United States Has Just Issued
some tables which have a direct bearing on a pressing English question. The urban population of the Union has grown in the ten years ending 1890 from 10,700,000 to......