Sir,—just A Last Word About This Controversy Over Paul...
I have just received the following letter from a French African in Paris : As a Negro myself, I have read your letter in the Spectator with great displeasure. The pith of your......
Letters To The Editor
The . Futility of Force M. G. lonides Paul Robeson and Racialism 'Bola Ige Purging Intellectuals J. E. M. Arden VTOL and Noise Robert S. W. Pollard Racial Intolerance Roland......
Vtol And Noise
SIR,—I was very interested in Mr. Oliver Stewart's article on 'VTOL at Farnborough.' The fact that technical developments are making it possible for aeroplanes to ascend and......
Sir,—professor Empson's Letter Is A Little Difficult To...
his account of the controversy in Encounter seems to resemble only rather tenuously what was actually printed there. Those interested in all these side-issues may care to refer......
Sir,—i Must Disagree With You When You Write (in Your
issue of September 5) that 'from being a city which was, at least to outward appearances, quite respectable, London has developed into a hive of prostitutes. . . How many have......
Racial Intolerance
SIR,—In your surprisingly equivocal comment on the recent outbreak of racial intolerance you suggest that it has something to do with the failure of the Government to implement......