12 APRIL 1945, page 13

Women Magistrates

SIR, —I notice in your issue of April 6th that " Janus " reproves the Daily Telegraph for the flippant tone of its leader on the appointment of Miss Sybil Campbell as the first......

Women Teachers For Boys ?

Stu,—The President of the National Association of Schoolmasters recently pleaded that boys (presumably all those above the "infant " stage) should be taught by men. This has......

The Future Of Austria

SIR,—F. A. Hayek asks in his article about the "Future of Austria " whether Austria deserves so much consideration as his reflections sug- gest. If Austria really is the......

April The First

SIR,—In Sir Richard Livingstone's admirable article in your issue of March 30th, on the new Education Act, there are two points I should like to make. (a) " An education which......

Welfare In Industry

I am a fully qualified welfare officer of fairly wide experience. In 1940 I read of Mr. Bevin's desire for good personnel management in industry and the necessity, in view of......

The Convoy System

SIR,—II has been stated once again that, in 1917, the late Lord Lloyd George enforced the Convoy System upon the Admiralty. This is only half the truth, and—as the widow of......

Miners In Holland

SIR,—I should like to add a note to Mr. D. B. Marshall's recent comment on the Dutch State Coal Mines. Many of us in the B.L.A. have, through force of circumstances, been guests......