13 APRIL 1956, page 17

Sir,—i Must Protest At The Attitude Of The Spectator To

the Prime Minister which culmi- nated in last week's first leader. For some time now not a week has gone past without it carry- ing every possible criticism and innuendo. This......

Sir,—in Recent Years History Has Shown That 'press'...

more than one Prime Minis- ter have been animated by personal feelings or by spite because of favours which did not come. Can we be assured that attacks on Sir Anthony Eden in......

Letters To The Editor

Distortion with a Difference J. E. M. Arden The Lost Leader Lord Birkenhead, Martin Lindsay, MP, IV. S. Howard An Arrestml Bureaucracy J. M. L. North Judas's Service Rt. Rev. H.......

Judas's Service

SIR,—The Rev. J. K. Nettlefold is too caustic in his comments on Mr. Hollis's most interest- ing article. One is not necessarily a funda- mentalist if one takes the Fourth......

The Lost Leader

Sta,—May I refer to the unsigned article in your issue of April 6 called 'The Lost Leader'? I am, of course, familiar with the convention that leading political articles are......

An Arrested Bureaucracy Sir,—i Am Most Grateful To Dr....

MP, for having summed up so concisely the reasons for the continued monopoly of the State- managed pubs in Carlisle. The only reason which the Conservative Administration can......

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