Last Sunday Fighting Took Place In Teheran Between The...
troops and the Fidais, who refused to surrender their arms. The Fidais, led by Satar Khan, were in a garden, and the Government troops completely surrounded them, firing into......
The Centenary Of Cavour Was Celebrated Throughout Italy...
and at Turin the Premier, Signor Luzzatti, delivered an admirable address before a great gathering, which included the King, the Royal Princes, and all the Ministers. Comparing......
On Tuesday An Attempt Was Made Upon The Life Of
Mr. Gaynor, the Mayor of New York. He was starting for a holiday to Europe, and actually on board the liner, when he was shot in the neck from behind. His assailant was quickly......
The Text Of The Patriarchal Encyclical Summoning All The...
of the Orthdox Church to a national assembly 'was published on Tuesday at Constantinople. The Times correspondent says that it is a vehement document which declares equality......
A Reuter Telegram Published On Friday Says That Chinese...
in Tibet is decreasing. It is considered doubtful whether the British troops which are held in readiness will be required to cross the frontier. We are convinced that the policy......
There Is A Lull In The Negotiations Between Spain And
the Vatican which is likely to last fill the holidays are over and King Alfonso is back in Spain. In a conversation with the Times ccr:Tespondent on Wednesday, Sefior auialejas......
The Board Of Trade Returns For July Issued On Monday
continue to show marked expansion. The imports, it is true, show a slight falling off as compared with July, 1909— this may be accounted for by the fact of there having been one......
The Australian Correspondent Of The Timm Discusses In...
paper some of the questions which are upper- most in the minds of Australians. He says that every one is on tenterhooks, as Labour has acquired for itself an almost autocratic......