In And Out. By Ismay Thorn. With Illustrations By Lily
Chitty. (W. Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Some of these pictures are very .quaint; the "elves," for instance, queer little old men, sitting in toadstools or letting themselves down......
Magazines, Etc. —we Have Received The Following For...
Portfolio. — The Magazine of Art. — L'Art. — Part 1 of an illus- trated serial edition of The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunningham Geikie, D.D. (Cassell and Co.)—The Art......
A ‘shipjul Of Children Is The Little Folks' Annual For
1885. (Cassell and Co.)—From the same publishers we also get, prettily illustrated, but of course in a very different style, Annie and Willie's Prayer, a story told in verse ;......
Golden Hours. By Mrs. Sale Barker. (routledge And Sons.)—...
we have a number of gaily-coloured pictures, the subjects being children in the country, at the sea-side, at home, enjoying in short, in various ways, with games, books, pets,......
Miss Brown. By Vernon Lee. (blackwood.)—we Cannot Review...
at the length its power would justify, the subject and - treatment being too repulsive. We have no doubt that the intention of the book is pure, and even noble, to paint an......