13 JANUARY 1894, page 2

President Cleveland, It Will Be Remembered, Repudiated...

President Harrison in Hawaii, and declared not only that the island ought not to be annexed, but that the agent of the United States had acted wrongfully, and that the native......

Under The Heading "ireland In 1893," The Time-8 Of Wednes-

day gives some interesting facts and figures. On the whole,. the Irish people have never been freer from distress. Only one set of statistics has a disagreeable look. Those who-......

A Banquet Was Given To Mr. Rhodes At Cape Town

on Satur- day last, presided over by the:Mayor. The Premier, in reply to his health, praised his political opponents in the Colony, and hoped that, however much they might......

On Tuesday, Mr. A. B. Forwood, In Addressing A Meeting-

at Prescot, near Liverpool, dealt with the behaviour of the 'Resolution' in the Bay of Biscay. As he was a member of the Board of Admiralty at the time of her construction, he......

Mr. Balfour Writes', To Tuesday's Times To Correct A False

impression which Lord !Grey had'embodied in a letter pub- lished in Monday's [Times, that the compromise between the Government and the Opposition upon the Local Govern- ment......

Universal Suffrage Seems To Be No Check On Anarchy, Either

in France or America. According to a telegram from New York, dated January 11th, a tenement-house in Avenue D—a poor residential quarter—has been blown up with dynamite. On......

On Thursday, There Was A Short Debate In The House

of Commons on the report of the Featherstone Commission as to the conduct of the soldiers who fired upon the rioters, and as to the demand of the Labour Members that the......