Election Issues
W ITH the definite announcement of the date of the General Election the battle must be held to have been joined, whatever legal niceties may arise about the date from which......
Mr. Shinwell, It Seems To Be Thought, Is At It
again, with a repetition of his "tinker's cuss" affirmation and his rejoinder to an interrupter that he "would rather have fish and chips than Tory tripe." This seems to demand......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE Judges seem to be very much of one mind on Capital punishment. No abolition ; no discrimination between the treatment of men and women murderers ; no immunity for criminals......
I Can Understand The Indignation Felt By Sir Will Lawther,
the miners' leader, and a good many other workers, at the vote of large sums of money to the managing directors of Austin Motors and Standard Motors at a time when ,trade......
I Suppose The Report On Family Limitation From Every Aspect,
prepared by Dr. Lewis-Faning for the Royal Commission on Population (Stationery Office, 4s.), is the most comprehensive and detailed study of birth-control, its causes, its......
To The Reminiscences Evoked By The Anniversary Of Charles...
Spurgeon's birth I can only contribute one story—and for that I cannot claim originality. Dr. Spurgeon, walking in the neighbourhood of his Metropolitan Tabernacle in South......
I Am Making No Prediction About The Result Of The
election myself ; but an article in last week's Economist is worth a refer- ence. Calculations based on Gallup polls are quoted which point to a Conservative majority. The......