The Committee On Trade And Manufactures Consists Of...
Forty of them are called Prosperity-men, from their wish to make a favourable report ; and two, Adversity-men (ATrwoon and FIELDEN), who labour hard to extract a different sort......
Mr. Rossi's Sculpture:3.
Ma. Rossi, RA., is making what he calls a private, because it is a gratuitous, exhibition of his works, at his residence in Lisson Grove, with an avowed view to induce the......
Sir Francis Burdett Has Authorized His Friends To Say That
be will not accept a Peerage, and that he intends to stand again for West- minster in the event of a dissolution of Parliament.......
Saturday Night.
A correspondent sends us the following. "There was a meeting of Conservatives yesterday, at which the majority were for allowing the Irish Bill to be read a second time, and not......
Active Arrangements Are Makinghere And In France To Send...
ments to the Algarves. It is believed that the French Government will take some steps in favour of PEDRO ; but Lord PALMERSTON de- clared yesterday, that our Government will not......
Despatches From St. Petersburg, As Also The St....
received to-day, mention a plot against the life of the Emperor of Rus- sia on the part of some Polish exiles who left Paris a short time ago, and bound themselves by an oath to......
SATURDAY MORNING. A report is in circulation that Earl GREY has resigned, but we have not been able to trace it to any authority that can be relied upon ; nor da we credit it.......
As The Speedy Of The Vt - I.;g. • ...omes More Likely,
the members of it have begun to peach. Suspicious are entertained of the fidelity of Lord BROUGHAM to his party and his colleagues. There is little novelty in this revelation,......
Since The Above Was In Print, We Have Learned That
Mr. SPRING RICE and other persons connected with Government declare their belief that the Ministers will be out of office on Thursday, and that a dissolution of Parliament will......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Consol Market has been more unsteady than 1. t '.. Up to Thurs- day afternoon, the fluctuation had been between 902, and . On Wednesday,......