13 JULY 1878, page 2

The House Of Commons Is Certainly In One Sense A

truly practical Assembly, though hardly perhaps in the best sense. It can always appreciate the value of what is near and close to it, whatever and however dazzling or alarming......

Lord Granville Was As Usual The Most Lively Of The

speakers. He dwelt with much entertaining illustration on the determination avowed by the College to prepare women for the degrees now opened to them by the University, but......

The Election For The Flint Boroughs Terminated Yesterday...

the election of a Liberal, Mr. Roberts, by a considerable majority. He gained 1,636 votes, against 1,511 given to the Conservative, Mr. Pennant, and his majority, therefore, was......

Yesterday Week Mr. Edward Jenkins Moved In The House Of

Commons a series of resolutions against Ritualism, ask- ing for a Royal Commission to inquire into its excesses, into the character of the party in the Church opposed to the......

The Drift Of France Towards Republicanism Appears To Be...

and consistent. Twenty more elections for seats invali- dated by the Chamber were held on Sunday, and the Republi- cans carried fourteen, all previously held by Monarchists. At......

The Criminal Code, Although So Well Received, Is Not To

pass this year. The majority in the Commons might have been induced to pass it without discussion, and so give the country some compensation for the enormous expenditure they......

On Tuesday, University College, London, Celebrated Its...

fiftieth anniversary of its birth, in a public festival, at which Lord Granville, as Chancellor of the whole University, laid the first stone of a new extension of the......

The Second Reading Of The Bill Providing For Additional...

rics, which came down from the House of Lords, was moved on Monday in the Commons by Mr. Cross, and carried after a short debate by a majority of 128 (188 to 60). Mr. Dillwyn......