Before Port Arthur In A Destroyer. Translated From The...
ly Captain R. Grant, D.S.O. (John Murray. 3s. 6d. net.)—The - translator tells us that he has "verified names and dates" as far ab he could, but that he does not hold himself......
The Paper Trade. By A. Dykes Spicer, M.a. (methuen And
Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Spicer's story of the paper trade is interesting throughout. The various materials, the methods of handling them, the machinery, the prices obtained, the......
Old Houses In Edinburgh. Drawn By Bruce J. Home. Second
Series. (S. Bagster and Sons. 12s. net.)—Some eighteen months ago we noticed the first volume of this work. The completing part is now before us, and thoroughly justifies the......
Popular Poetry Of The Baloches. By M. Longworth• Dames. 2
vole. (Royal Asiatic Society. 15s.)—It is not every one that could give offhand a summary of Baluchistan history during the last half-century, though there is a general......
The Poems Of William Dunbar. With Introduction, Notes,...
by H. Bellyse Baildon. (Cambridge University Press. 6s. net.)—William Dunbar was born about 1460,—he graduated at St. Andrews in 1477. Of his death we have no record, but there......
Savonarola. By Commissioner W. Elwin Oliphant. (simpkin,...
2s.)—This is the first volume of a projected series of "Heroes of the Cross," which is to proceed from the Salvation Army Book Department. We give a hearty welcome to the......
Messrs. Kelly And Sons Send Us A Very Convenient Wooden
rule on which the sizes of books (with cut edges) are marked, the length being given on one side, the width on the other. These sizes are in number twenty-two, ranging from the......