Maintenance Of The Parochial System In The Diocese Of...
By P. Lyttelton Gall. (Privately Printed, Oxford.)—Tho figures may be regarded as applying, for practical purposes, to any English diocese. We will take one portion, those that......
Noblesse Oblige. By M. E. Francis. (john Long. 6s.)—mrs....
Blundell has left her beloved West Country and given us a charming sketch of an episode among the einigris in London at the time of the French Revolution. The only part of the......
Bradshaw's Railway Manuo2 (h. Blaoklock 11,10 Co., 12s.)...
a great mass of interesting facts about railways all over the world which are Controlled by British capital. These are supple- mented by some selected particulars about American......
The Model Election Qf 1908. (28 Martin's Lane, Cauca Street.
2d.)—This is a statement of the very imports# 14Wd valuable experiment, conducted by the Society for Proportios,s1 Representation, which, as our readers will remember, was tried......
St. Nicotine Of The Peace Pipe, By E. V. Howard.
(G, Itent- ledge and Sons. 5s. net.)—Mr. }Toward has collected a number of interesting details about tobacco, its history—it cannot be definitely traced back to a remote past......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week aa have not been reserved for review in inker forme.] The Minority Report of the Poor Law Commission of 1909. Edited by Mr.......
The Fijians. By Basil Thomson. (w. Heinemann. 108. Net.)...
Thomson, who describes his book as "a study in the decay Of custom," formulates theories and makes prophecies. He has a word to say in his introduction for half-castes; he......
ANNE OF GREEN GABLES.'t Wn can pay the author of Anew of ,Green Gables no higher compliment than to say that she has given us a perfect Canadian companion picture to Rebecca of......
Readable Novels.—diana Of The Swamp. By Roy N. Clarke....
and Brothers. 6s.)—A well-told story of life in the Southern States of America.—The Dream and the Woman. By Tom Gallon. (Stanley Paul and (Jo. 6s.)—A modern melodrama told in......