The War God Walks Again By Captain F. Britten Austin
(Williams and Norgate, 36.- 6d.) is a collection of short stories about modern war. Captain- Britten Austin-has great powers of description and narrative. But he has written......
Whatever We May Think Of Catherine The Great's Conduct With
her entourage, Miss Katherine Anthony has made an interesting book of Catherine the Great (Cape, 12s. 6d.), and a book, moreover, as free as its subject allows of the ugly......
Another Booklet Of The " To-day And To-morrow " Series
(Kegan Paul, 3s. 6d.), which looks wisely on the world of to-morrow, is Nuntius, by Mr. Gilbert Russell. The future of advertising is very sanely considered here, and although......
The Critical Opinions Of Samuel Johnson (oxford...
6d.) supplies a need. If we want to be oracular, it is wise to be so in Johnson's coinpany : here is a reference- book'for pundits. " I am always angry when I hear ancient......
Erudition In Wine
A Boit& of Wine: By P. Morton Shand. (Guy Chapman. 155. net.) MR. SHANP was given a thorough schooling in the appreciation of wine. His father and his grandfather before him......