A Spectator's Notebook Is Sir Roy Welensky Deceived
by his own rhetoric, pr is he merely trying to keep his courage up? 'I want to go on record,' he said on Tuesday, 'as saying that plans [for recent events in Nyasaland] were......
Westminster Commentary
THE latest burst of speculation about the election date is as silly as all its predecessors. Statements such as 'It is now almost certain that the General Election will be held......
After An Attack Upon Ghana For Allowing The Accra Conference
to take place (as Well attack Britain for holding the Federal discussions of 1953 in London), he claimed that Nyasalarid leaders were 'thugs with no qualms about demo- cratic......
A Few Years Ago, When The Bbc Wanted To Televise
excerpts from the annual party conferences, the Labour Party refused to allow the cameras into their proceedings. The BBC, not the most cour- ageous of institutions, thereupon......
I Said Last Week That Lord Altrincham's Idea That The
Queen as Head of the Commonwealth 'was not dependent upon the advice of any national Prime Minister . . . and should not be afraid to pro- claim the principles of the......