Religious Tests For Teachers.
[To MB EDITOR OP Tan SPIPCPATOR."] • SIB,—It requires but a modest portion of prophetic courage to affirm that there is considerable likelihood of our having to renew before......
"the Devil's Walk."
[To THB EDITOR OF THE "Sesersron.7] SIR,—The letter of Mr. Walter B. Kingsford in your last issue is far from conclusive as to the authorship of this poem, in face of the......
" Musica Ecclesiastica."
read in your issue of May 6th, in regard to " Musica, Ecelesiastica," commonly known by the heading of its first book, " Imitatio Christi," that its "writer is, before all......
"the Imitation Of Christ."
[To THE EDITOR OP THR "SPECTATOR.1 Sie,—In the discriminating essay on "The Imitation of Christ" in the Spectator of May 6th you justly speak of that remarkable work as an......