The Government's Economic Policy
BY REGINALD MAUDLING* HE challenge that Britain has to face in the second half of the twentieth century is this : can a free society thrive and prosper in a small island under......
And Of The Remaining Six Productions, Two Were Revivals (of
Shakespeare and Shaw), one was an adaptation of Zola's shocker, Therese Raquin, and two (of Anouilh and Wilder) might be called farcical comedies if it were not uncharitable to......
I Think It A Great Pity That The More Ferocious
exponents of Lallans have by their efforts very nearly succeeded in bringing into ridicule the common speech of the Scottish Lowlands. Their attempts to weld archaisms,......
Mirror Agrees To New Royal Plan For Prince Charles. (daily
Mirror headline on Wednesday.) This is what is meant by 'government by consent.' PHAROS......
Every Schoolboy Knows That Thomas Carlyle, Finding That A...
had inconsiderately popped the completed manu- script of The French Revolution into the fife, said not a word, but sat down and started to write it all over again. Perhaps......