13 MAY 1966, page 13


• Here Lies, and Lies . • ALAN BRIEN Yesterday, the ashes of Alan Brien were scat- tered on the surface of the Welsh Harp, a North London reservoir. It was his last wish,......


L From: E. D. O'Brien. Graham Greene, Kenneth Allsop, John Davenport. Lady de Zulueta. Tristan Jones. Alan Wolfe, Derek Bloom. Roger Wimbush, Tom Sargam. E. C. Clifford Woods,......

Death In The Family

Sui,—Incoherently written and shrilly shrewish though it is. and revealing a view of life of almost enviable zoological simplicity (lions and pedigree creatures beset by......

The Kremlin Talks To The Vatican

SIR,-- I read with interest the serious article (April 29) by Dev Murarka, but there is a lighter side. . . . In July 1963 I encountered Mr Adzhubei in the Tropicana music-hall......