13 MAY 1972, page 20

Unctad Initiative

Sir: Your call for " a political and psychological break with the past" to be made at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development now meeting at Santiago and, above......

Aching Honeymoons

Sir: It was magnanimous of John Rowan Wilson to tell the story against himself of how as a surgical registrar he once tried to send a girl with backache on her honeymoon in a......

Bombing N. Vietnam

Sir: Having worked for the past three and a half years in Vietnam with an Anglo-American Quaker medical team in one of the most devastered north-eastern provinces of South......

National Museums

Sir: In answer to Lord Montagu's letter (April 22) one can say the Commission on Museums and Galleries appear to have little appeal to the present Government, and it is......

File On The Tsar

Sir: Sir Thomas Preston in his letter (March 11) about the mas. sacre at Ekaterinburg gets the equally horrible murder of the Rornanovs at Alapaevsk wrong. Princess Elena was......