Educational Policy
Sir: Many teachers and others will have agreed with T. E. B. Howarth's devastating comments on the great educational debate. It is certainly ironical that it should have been......
Sir: Most Of Mr Howarth's Article On The Great Education
Debate seems entirely sound and well worth saying, but there is one area where he uses the original argument of the comprehensive lobby and gets an extremely important point......
Look At Germany
Sir: The American general who called Britain's defence forces pathetic should take a good look at West Germany. They have one of the smallest navies in Europe and no nuclear......
Angola's War
Sir: I feel that I must reply to Xan Smiley's 'Angola's forgotten war' (16 October), which contained sev.eral serious errors of fact. Firstly, there is no evidence that 'UNITA......
Spectator 13 November 1976 Any Of The.other Angolan...
when it comes to results the inescapable fact IS that, after the departure of the Portuguese , UNITA-held areas in Angola simply ceased to work. Portuguese landlords, who fin'......
Sir: Race Relations Acts and regulatitin s appear to be a one-way affair, witness the frequent accommodation advertisemen ts specifying 'Indians only', 'West Indian s only'. 1......
Sir : Mr Enoch Powell tells us that Britain' s indigenous population is being replaced h)". African and Asian stock at the rate 01 110,000 a year. As an Englishwoman wh ° loves......