The National Review. Mr. Maxse this month devotes much of his space to a full reprint of what he calls "The Unanswerable Dispatch," that is, the reply of M. Poincare to Lord......
The Library For September. (ii. Milford. Fie. Net.) The...
part of the Transactions of the Bibliogmphiaa Society contains a valuable paper by Mr. Gordon Duff on the fifth edition of Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, which was partly......
RUBE. * Szowon BORGESE is familiar with English poetry ; he might have chosen for the motto of his novel those well-known lines of Christina Rossetti :— "What would I give for a......
The Centenary Number Of The " Lancet " (october 6th,
1923. There are certain journals published in England which for some reason or other have become national institutions. These journals wear the mantle of tradition with the un-......
The Hibbert Journal.
The fact that this excellent quarterly has completed its twenty-first year and has a large and increasing circulation, does credit to the editor, Dr. L. P. Jacks, and to the......
Salome Of The Tenements. By Anzio, Yezierska. (t. Fisher...
7s. 6d. net.) America's literary growth may be noted roughly as moving along two diverse but not diverging lines : on the one hand the development of a native American art......
The London Mercury.
In his article on "Modern Classical Scholarship" Mr. Gilbert Norwood invites on every page the most violent dis- agreement; and, as he is urging that the classics should be read......