No. 1649: Keats And Chapman
Flann O'Brien invented this game, which features the two characters above- mentioned. The idea is to involve them both in a long-drawn-out, po-faced but unlikely story, which is......
Solution To 977: Do
Title=ditto — cf. 9D/10D, suggest- ing the unclued lights which contain repeated syllables. Winners: Jack Walton, Epsom (£20); Peter Stevens, Tadworth, Surrey; Dr J. D. Renwick,......
Carry on Jaspistos 12 YEAR OLD I n Competition No. 1646 you were in- vited to leap from the springboard of this first verse of a poem by Morris Bishop: 'What is funny?' you ask,......
Crossword 980: 'daisy, Daisy . . By Mass
A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......