13 SEPTEMBER 1884, page 14

The House Of Lords.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As the action of the House of Lords in the matter of the Franchise Bill has brought the subject of mending or end- ing their Lordships'......

Conscientious Idling At Malvern.

F OR parsons and peaceableness, I never see the like!" This testimony was borne to the social aspect of the agglomeration of hill-side and hill-foot villages and. villas of the......

Mr. Gladstone In Scotland. [to The Editor Of The...

SIR, — Your description of Mr. Gladstone's progress in Scotland reminds me of Sir Walter Scott's words, in "Guy Mannering," —"It was one of those moments of intense feeling when......

Letters To The Editor.

MR. GLA.DSTONE AND THE HOUSE OF LORDS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Now that Mr. Gladstone has spoken, with words of which the meaning is not the less clear because......