13 SEPTEMBER 1980, page 24
Woburn And The Russells Georgiana Blakiston
The Russells Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd Woburn and the Russells Georgiana Blakiston (Constable £9.95) Walking up St James's during the latest hiatus in the publication of The......
A Highland History The Earl Of Cromartie The Making Of...
Highlanders Fitzroy Maclean A Highland History The Earl of Cromarlie (The Gavin Press £l 2.50) The Making of the Scottish Countryside Ed. M. L. Parry and T. R. Slater (Crooro......
Punishment, Danger And Stigma: The Morality Of Criminal...
Reductionist Geoffrey Marshall Punishment, Danger and Stigma: The Morality of Criminal Justice Nigel Walker (Blackwell £9.95) Professor Nigel Walker is a man familiar with the......