Flour Manufacture. By P. Kick. Translated By H. H. P.
Powles. (Crosby Lockwood and Son.)—Modern milling has made gigantic strides during the last century, and has been shown to be capable of a refinement in method and machinery......
Are Foreign Missions Doing Any Good (kegan Paul, Trench, And
Co.)—In this little book of something less than fifty pages, we have a compendious answer to a question which is being frequently asked, and often with a profound ignorance on......
Vaccination Vindicated. By C. Macvail, M.d. (cassell And...
a reply to Dr. Wallace's " Small-Pox Statistics and Vaccination," the work has been expanded into a review of the anti-vaccination literature of the day. As Dr. MacVail says,......
Electrical - Instrument Making For Amateurs. By S. R....
Co.)—Ingenious amateurs will gladly welcome the aid which M. Bottone furnishes them ; it supplies a want felt by even the cleverest of young philosophers. The number of tools......
How A Biographer Of Garrick Finds Opportunity To Describe...
as "incarnated intolerance ;" but find it or make it he does. In fact, Garrick is made a peg to hang many things upon that are but indirectly connected with him. As a Life, this......
Life And Teachings Of Kcshub Ehunder Sen. By P. C.
Mozoomdar. (J. C. Thomas, Calcutta ; Triibner and Co., London.)—The most interesting chapter in this volume is the account of the "Cuch Behar Marriage," the disastrous event, as......