East India Shipping. Friday Evening.
A duplicate of the overland despatch, to which we alluded in our RI st Number, has been received this week from Bombay, and a private letter by. the same convey- ance, reporting......
The Church.
The Rev. Arthur Clive, M.A. of Brnsennose College, second son of Edward Bolton Clive, Esq. M.P. for Hereford, has been presented by his father to the valuable Rectory of......
GREAT RESULTS FROM SMALL. BEGINNINGS.-17112 possibility of a great change being introduced by very slight beginnings, may be illustrated by the tale which Lockman tells of a......
Literary Announcements.
BOOKS IN THE PRESS, OR. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. The Second and concluding Part of Cresy and Taylor's Illustrations of the Archi. tecture of the Middle Ages at Pisa. Margaret......
The Army.
War - Office, February 9. Gth Reg. of Dragoon Guards—Cor. Henry Hayhurst France, to he Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Daintry, promoted; Thomas Edward Taylor, Gent. to he Cor. by......
The Universities.
CAstna won, February 11.—At a congregation held this day, the following degrees were conferred. Doctor of Dirinity, by Royal mandate, Rev. Hodge Mile, M.A., of Trinity College,......
Distribution Of The Royal Navy In Commission.
WITH THE NAMES OF THEM CAPTAINS AND STATIONS DUltING TUE LAST YEAR, BROUGHT UP TO JANUARY 1829.* [From the United Service Journal, No. H.] Ship. Guns. Captain. Where Stationed,......