Life Under A Tyranny
SIR, —The Duke of Bedford's sincerity is as obvious as the fact that some injustices and cruelties have been committed against Conscien- tious Objectors and suspected and......
Sm,—if The Duke Of Bedford Would Explain Whether He Believes
the a letter like his own in the last issue of The Spectator could b e published in the German Press, your readers would at least be able to judge whether his expression of......
Sm,—will Mr. P. F. Wiener Tell Us Exactly What He
has in mind when he writes of " the real German reformation " for which " decent Germans have looked for a long, long time to the great democracies" for help in bringing about?......
Black Record "
many of your readers to be very unjust. She impugns the historical accuracy of the narrative, but Sir Robert's indictment of Germany's behaviour to her neighbours finds abundant......
Sir, —the Headmaster Of Rugby In His Articles In Two Recent
issues of The Spectator stated clearly his reasons in favour of the survival of the public school system; but we are in variance with him over his attitude towards boarding......