Giscard's Achievement
Sir: Maybe President Giscard d'Estaing is coarse and snobbish, maybe he accepts gifts (Sam White, 7 February). But, paradoxically, Giscard's real achievement can be seen in the......
Too Many Books
Sir: Paul Johnson's article on the difficulties of book publishing today (24 January) was so very revealing, as indeed he always is. Yet to me it seems a strange paradox that,......
Lingua Franca
Sir: Doesn't your article on "Ethnocide" in the Soviet Union' (24 January) a little resemble what Pravda might write about our pear destruction of the Welsh language? Surely any......
Conspiracy And Suppression
Sir: I don't think your Letters page is a suitable place to try to cure Paul Johnson's virulent political paranoia, manifested in his article of 7 February in his apparent......
De Vries Fan
Sir: May I welcome Paul Ableman to the small but select Peter de Vries fan club (31 January)? Unless, however, he has a good public library to hand he will have to go to......
Shades Of Opinion
Sir: I have often wondered why your cover (whether it be new and glossy or old and lack-lustre) is sometimes red and sometimes blue. Perhaps you are trying to assert your......