Marshal Narvaez Has Introduced A Bill Into The Cortes...
ing the Act which declares St. Domingo an integral part of the Spanish Monarchy. It is a very frank Bill, the preamble declaring that Spain was deluded as to the wish of the......
Mr. Forster, Member For Bradford, Made His Annual Speech To
his constituents on Tuesday. After expressing his conviction, derived from his recent efforts to make the Foreign Office attend to commercial interests, that the country does......
The Richmond Whig Of December 20 Had A Most Minute
cal- culation of the resources of the South in white men, and showed to its own satisfaction on paper that the South has still 692,795 fighting white men, and that its army in......
Major Lumley Has Got Off Cheaply. On Monday Serjeant Parry
apologized on his behalf for his conduct in challenging Mr. Desborough, jun., and for the libellous language he had uttered, and the Court only bound him over in heavy penalties......
General Hood Has Apparently Effected The Retreat Of His...
and diminished force across the Tennessee, about eight miles above Florence, where the shoals prevent the Federal gunboats from barring the passage. Probably about half his army......
The Board Of Trade Of Detroit, Michigan, Recently Ordered A
committee to report on the proposal to abolish the reciprocity treaty with Canada. They did so, and people who believe that no American can understand free trade should read......
The Times Has Published This Week Two Or Three Paragraphs
on a subject a good deal more important than most political questions. It appears that there are people in England,—notably Messrs. James Gordon and Co., of 11 Orange court,......
The Times Publishes A Non-official Report Upon Broadmoor,...
asylum where criminal lunatics are detained. The wretched inmates, it appears, are treated with every care and kindness, can write to their friends, see them, take exercise, and......
A Question Which Has Greatly Agitated Theatrical Society...
everybody else was settled on Wednesday by Mr. Tyrwhitt. The proprietors of the regular theatres feel aggrieved by the pro- prietors of the irregular theatres or music-halls,......
The New Electoral Law In The Colony Of Victoria Gives
votes to all women who pay municipal rates, and at the last election they availed themselves of their new power. It is reported that they voted "very well," favoured "educated......