Shorter Notices Tms Volume Completes The Late Laurence...
translation into English of Dante's Divine Comedy. Binyon observed the three fundamental essentials of a good translation, namely, fidelity to (r) the sense, (2) the rhythm, (3)......
Engines, Aunties And Others. By Emett Of Punch. (faber. 5s.)
THIS is a delightful book by the well-known artist whose work appears in Punch, from which these drawings are here collected for the first time. The best of them are truly comic......
The Book Of Small. By Emily Carr. (oxford University Press.
Ss. 6d.) THE delicacy and vividness with which Miss Carr has described her childhood in Victoria, British Columbia, is delightful, but not unusual. Her distinction is that her......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS WITH the noteworthy exception of the Midland, all the banks have reported higher profits ha 1943 than for 1942. That is what one SIC had expected in view of the......
Tins Little Book Will Be Welcomed By Reviewers Wearied With
trying to be entirely fair to mediocre authors and at the same time to protect a trustful public. The present volume is, if possible, better than its predecessor, which told the......