The Princess Christian Writes An Interesting Appeal To...
for funds to place "The British Nurses' Association" on a sound footing. The object of the Associa- tion is to unite all competent British nurses for their mutual help and......
Lord Salisbury On Friday Week Made A Statement Of .extreme
interest to all who are watching the progress of British settlement in South and East Africa. That progress -depends in no slight degree upon the freedom of the Zambesi. 'The......
We Are Clearly In For Another Little War In Zululand,
Dinizulu having been joined by the chiefs on the coast, by - numbers of Zulus from Natal, and, it is reported, by some fifteen white men. He has altogether some 4,000 men in the......
The Canadians In London And Their Friends Celebrated The "
majority " of the Dominion on Thursday, by a dinner at the Hotel Metropole. The Act of Federation came into operation twenty-one years ago. Ever since that date, the Act has......
The Duke Of Argyll Found No Opponent On Thursday, When
he moved his vote of confidence in the Irish policy of the Government. He made a very amusing speech, in which he criticised sharply Mr. Gladstone's Home-rule Bill and his view......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent. New Consols (2f) Were On
Friday 991 to 991xd.......
We Regret To See It Stated That The Three Surviving
sisters of the late John Leech, the admirable artist in whom several generations of Englishmen and Englishwomen have found delight, are reduced by advancing age, and the......
An Interesting Letter Was Addressed To Thursday's Times...
gentlemen who have themselves carefully examined into the grievances which have caused the strike amongst Bryant and May's match-girls,—two of them writing from Toynbee Hall......
Mr. Fenwick On Friday Week Raised The Question Of The
payment of Members, by a motion that her Majesty's Govern- ment should consider the expediency of that practice. His argument was, in brief, that the practice was old, that most......