News Of The Week.
T HE proclamation issued by President Cleveland on Mon- day, is a constitutional document of great importance. It begins by reciting that "unlawful obstructions, combina- tions,......
Although We Have Reached The Middle Of July, The Govern-
ment give no sign as to the measures which they propose to abandon, br those which they propose to press forward. Indeed, Sir William Harcourt steadily refuses to shed any light......
The Situation In Corea Has Throughout The Week Continued To
look threatening. The Japanese have already some ten thousand men in the Peninsula, and have chartered sixteen steamers from English owners to convey a still larger force. The......
The Railway Strike Is Fizzling Out. The Latest Telegrams...
that the trains to and from Chicago and in the rest of the area of Anarchy are being moved more freely. Long trains of cars loaded with dead meat have started from the......
Perhaps The Most Remarkable Fact About The Disorders Has...
the failure of the attempt to produce a general strike of labour. The head of the Knights of Labour, Master- workman Sovereign, and other Labour chiefs ordered a general strike......