The Theatre.
MR. MILNE'S "SUCCESS" AT THE HAYMARKET. THE RT. HON. R. SELBY MANNOCK, M.P., owing in some measure to the fact that he had been wise enough to marry the worldly and influential......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sia,—Your discussion of the Holiday Book Box in your last number interested me. How would the following list do, say for a maiden aunt ? Kinglake's Eothen ; Handley Cross or one......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Regret To See From
the lists you give of books suitable for father, mother, son and daughter that father is the only one of the party who is accredited with any taste for literature. May I suggest......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—my Choice Would Be
as follows :—A Modern Anthology, edited by Thomas Caldwell, or An Anthology of Lyrics from Shakespeare's Time to Present Day. A volume of Jane Austen's works (that in the......
A CITY SONG. fa The Bee is small among such as fly," So royal David sings, " Her fruit," however, hear David cry, " Is chief of sweet things." MR. BEE, a business man Of......
A Large Number Of Articles And Poems Have Lately Been
sent to !Yu " Spectator " without stamped and addressed envelopes. The Pterary Editor wishes to reiterate that he can in no case return *ejected MSS. unless such envelopes are......