Mrs. Fawcett's Political Economy.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—I am reluctant to trouble you with a matter personal to myself, but as you have abandoned the "retort courteous," and have had recourse......
Parochial Councils, Or Vestries.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTA.TOR:1 Sirt,—These are the words of Mr. Fremantle against reconstituting Convocation with plenary powers :— " If the franchise is to be restricted to......
MR. STEPHEN ON LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY.* [SECOND NOTICE.] THE nature of our difference from Mr. Stephen's doctrine is closely related, of course, to the nature of our......
The Burials' Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—May I add one final word, after reading Mr. Mitton's letter ? Aar. Mitton has the advantage of me technically and legally, but 1-contend......
Pen', Sancte Spiritus.
(TO TEE EDITOR OT THE "SPECTATOR.") 'SIR,—I am at a loss to recognise the unmistakable reference to the Sacramental system of the Catholic Church which your reviewer discovers......