14 JUNE 1940, page 14

Great Britain And Russia

SIR,—In your issue of May 24th you say " It would be a thoroughly sound step " to send Sir S. Cripps to Moscow. I wonder if you realise how many people in this country—including......

Denmark And The Allies

SIR,—As a Dane, now living in London, I cannot help feeling very sad when reading a paragraph in " A Spectator's Notebook " inviting to regard the Czechs as allied. I often ask......

Another Lost Leader

Stx,—Someone should protest against all comments of the kind which Mr. Derek Verschoyle made last week in criticising -Mr. Louis MacNeice. The heading was " Another Lost......

The Re-education Of Germany

SIR,—At the present time of grave conflict between the armed forces it may be helpful to turn our minds to the problem of the greatest magnitude that will face us in the years......

Brain-workers' Hours Sirs I Am Very Glad You Have Called

attention to the dangers of the present wholesale increase in working hours. Let me speak of what I know. In the Ministry in which I am temporarily employed, as in others, a......

Conscientious Objectors

SIR, —With reference to your note on Conscientious Objectors and the Land, which appeared in your issue of June 7th, although I should be very ready to believe that in many......

Twice - Raped Louvain

Stx,—Dr. Henry Guppy's article on " Twice-Raped Louvain " in your number of May 31st omits to signal a characteristic feature of the broad humanitary mind reigning in that......