Our Duty To Egypt.
L're THE EDITOR OF THE " SPBOTATOE."1 Sin,—Men are wisely using their breathing-time by asking what right have we in the Soudan P We have been deceived, and might have been......
"prose Masterpieces" And "the English Essayists."
IT0 THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." j SIR, — In your interesting review of "Prose Masterpieces from British Essayists," in your last /lumber, your reviewer wonders how such a......
The Vivisection Debate In Tae Oxford Convocation.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—Might it not be well in future for the authorities of the University of Oxford, whenever they think it expedient (as they did yesterday......
The Sense Of Boundary In Dogs.
I To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR "1 Stn,—I have been ranch interested in the communications which have appeared from time to time in the Spectator in reference to " animal......
THE EXILE. FROM THE GREEK OF ALEXANDER HYPSHANTI. "SAY, foreign bird of mournful mien, with sadness in thy singing, Where is the nest thou lovest best, say, whither art thou......