14 MARCH 1896, page 14

"the Grudge Against The Liberal Unionists."

[To THE EDITOlt OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A good deal of surprise has been expressed in the Midlands at your so readily concluding that the letter in the, Birmingham Argus,......

Letters To The Editor.

SPAIN AND THE UNITED STATES. [To TES EDITOR OF THZ SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—The important article in the Spectator of March 7th, on the international aspect of the quarrel being picked......

The Invisible Food Of Fish.

R ECENT experiments on the food of the oyster show that the oatmeal commonly given to "fatten" them causes them to lose weight and die, and that flour, often used for the same......

"verify Your References.

(To THZ EDITOR OP ams "Brscrwroa."] SIR,—The writer of an article on Quixotry, in the Spectator of March 7tb, observes that "Pope, that marvellous genius who c mid produce......