Food From North Africa
The Tunisian victory should have important economic as well as military consequences. The relief on the pressure on shipping through the reopening of the Mediterranean route......
Planning—by Instalments
When Mr. W. S. Morrison moved the second reading of the Town and Country Planning (Interim Development) Bill he made no claim to be introducing more than a first instalment of......
Mr. Morrison's Warnings
• In his speech at West Bromwich last Sunday Mr. Herbert Morrison repeated the necessary warning that the years following the war would bring a situation calling just as much......
Unregarded Wealth
The coal industry, with the assistance of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, spends £2cio,o0o a year on coal utilisation research. The Fuel Research Board......
The State And The Theatre
Who would have supposed that a world war would bring int being a body such as C.E.M.A., financed by the Treasury, paternall blessed by the Board of Education, presided over by a......