The Farm-worker's Wage
There is no great group of workers in this country who were so seriously underpaid before the war as those engaged in agri- culture, and the country's urgent need of them has......
A " New-order " Conference ?
Just as Germany is compelled to re-shape her military plans of campaign owing to her failure to overcome Russian resistance, so, too, she is compelled to modify her diplomatic......
Dr. Benes' Peace-plan
The peace-plan outlined by Dr. Benes in his speech at Edin- burgh on Monday deserves fuller consideration than it can be given here, and we shall hope to recur to it. Its main......
The Victory Of The Atlantic
The most significant passage in the Prime Minister's speech at the opening of Parliament, on Wednesday, dealt with the course of the war at sea. It cannot be a war of naval......
Waste Paper
There is scarcely a man or woman in the country who cannot do something in response to the campaign for the salvage of waste paper. How important it is to the main war effort......
Detention Without Trial
The Prime Minister's replies to Members who questioned him on Tuesday regarding an emendation of the Emergency Powers Act Regulation -r8a, - in the light of the recent ruling of......
Superiority In The Air
Mr. Churchill gave the cheering news in his Mansion House speech that the Royal Air Force is now " at least equal " in size and numbers to the German air power. In quality,......