Bring Back Boac
I AM left to wonder what it is that Lord Marshall and his airline see in Europe, for the answer cannot be sales or profits. All the growth has come out of what used to be BOAC.......
British European Airways
ANOTHER favourite that risks losing touch with its world is British Airways. It is no longer the stock market's favourite, for the shares have almost halved in six months, and......
Bump, Says The Bank
A NASTY bump next year, followed by a period of convalescence. The Bank of Eng- land's idea of what is in store for the British economy agrees, I am flattered to find, with my......
Works Outing
NOW that the Labour Party is more of a Works Outing, I miss the sure touch Of Kelvin MacKenzie. He is busy with his new' toy, Talk Radio, where he has marked his arrival by......
Find That Apron
THE eye of the storm brings with it the eye of the camera and Sir Richard hates that, too. 'I'm basically a very low-profile and shy man', he told a House of Commons com- mittee......
City And Suburban
A perfect storm blows up at Marks & Spencer and the answer's not in code CHRISTOPHER FILDES S ir Richard Greenbury never strikes me as remorseful. He could join the former......