The Imperial Host And Guests At Berlin Must Have Been
more than usually inclined during the week of festivity to agree with the late Sir G. Cornewall Lewis that life would be very tolerable but for its enjoyments.' They had been......
That We Have Not Yet Reached Perfection In The Conduct
of Peace Manceuvres has been made plain by the incidents of the week. Saturday closed with an interesting series of movements, which brought the invaders over the little stream......
The Congress Of The Internationalists At The Hague...
Saturday last, and the results, which we have elsewhere examined, were principally these :—The Federalists, who were against a political organization, were beaten at all points,......
The Preston Ballot Was Going On All Yesterday, And Its
result c,ould tiot be known for some twelve hours at least after it was concluded,—long after the hour when we must go to press. Indeed, the daily papers will be lucky if they......
News Of The Week.
T HE weekly papers are out of luck. The two most interesting events of the week,—the judgment of the Geneva Tribunal and the results of the Preston Ballot,—will neither of them......
The Same Paper Asserts, What Is Of Some Importance, That
"a far larger proportion than usual of the operative classes refuse to give information as to how they intend to vote, many of them expressing their opinion that secresy has......