Human Geography
SIR, -- 4 was much interested in the review of Professor Fleure's admir- able book, A Natural History of Man in Britain, which appeared in the Spectator of September 7th. I......
Are Subsidies Inflationary?
SIR,—May I appeal to you (or any kind reader) as one uncle to another ? My young nephew, Bill, - is doing quite well at his boarding-school. But the catering there is not all it......
Freedom In Portugal
SIR, —Most of what "Observer" says is no doubt true enough, but I wonder if he ever observed Portugal during the fifteen years of republican government that preceded Salazar.......
"mbe Iropectator," Onptember 13tb,1851
ALL foreigners intending to reside permanently in Paris, or exercise any calling there, must henceforth present themselves personally to the authorities, and obtain permission......