Genius And Stature.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIB,—Professor Arthur Keith, of the Royal College of Sur. geons, has recently stated that " the small man is invariably the intellectual......
Carteret And Otiikii,s.
[To THE EDITOR OF THS " SPZCTATOR."] Sig,—In an interesting article you have lately expressed stir- prise that so little is known about the statesmen of the reign of George IL,......
Advertisement By Violence.
[TO not EDITOR Or roc " SPECTATOR. " ] Srs,—The article in your issue of March 18th entitled "Advertisement by Violence" reminds me of the enclosed anonymous verses, written......
Hornless Caribou.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] 'Sin,—May I be allowed to say a word in reference to one point in your review of Mr. Hesketh Prichard's " Hunting Camps in Wood and......